Wednesday, May 6, 2020

This is it free essay sample

Her Weakness Every girl wants to find Mr. Right but he usually appears in a girls life when she is independent and with her girlfriends having fun. Love is a feeling most humans crave for. It is natural for someone to want acceptance and comfort from another human being but sometimes love find its own way without any signs and it is a surprise. Being patient is a hard task to do but it will be worth it. Love will find its way and there is never an expiration date on love. Mary Jane, she was 17 years young nd wasnt looking for anyone special. She used to be naive and foolish when she fell for boys in her younger years of growing up. Back when Mary Jane was 13 years old, she was in middle school and had a lot of friends. It was a regular day at school she thought, but oh was she wrong. That day, a new student had transferred to her school and on the first day there he was in her history class, his name was Peter. She was working on her assignment when her teacher interrupted the class and announced, Class, we have a new student whos going to be with us for our 8th rade year! Mary Jane kept looking at Peter he thought he was so handsome. He sat in the back next to where she was sitting. All of a sudden, the teacher said that there is going to be a project due in two days and Peter was assigned to be in Mary Janes group. This is it, she thought. She can finally talk to this mystery guy and get to know him a lot more. So, she asked what his name was and he said, Peter, she said her name was Mary Jane. Slowly but surely they started to hang out at school and outside of school together. She introduced him to her friends and they accepted him Just as much as her. They were becoming so close to each other One day during school he asked Mary Jane if he could talk to her. Peter took her to somewhere quiet and stood in front of her and said, l really like you and I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me Shocked and Joyful as she was she didnt hesitate to exclaim, mies! Mary Jane and Peter were officially a couple. They went out and had their fun, but suddenly she realized that Peter is becoming really important to her nd she began to have mixed feelings for him. Peter was her best friend before everything else and she started worrying that their relationship would ruin their friendship. She didnt want to lose him or Jeopardize their friendship if their relationship ended sour. Mary Jane made her decision and ended it after a couple of weeks Time went by and they were still friends, but very distant after middle school and never really talked much. Mary Jane was currently in 1 lth grade in high school and so was Peter. She was at home in her room listening to music and rowsing on Facebook when surprisingly; Peter messaged her and asked her if she wanted to go to his prom with him. Prom?! Thats crazy she thought, He wanted to go with me? How strange, she thought. She messaged him back, yes. Prom was a month away and Mary Jane and Peter were preparing for the big day. Finally, the day came. Mary Jane left school early to get her hair and makeup done, dress on and ready to pick him up at his house. He came out and ner Jaw dropped, sne thought ne was the most handsome man she ever saw and he admitted that she looked beyond beautiful. They pulled in, got out of the car. Mary Jane was wearing a one strap red gown with black peep toe chunky heels and Peter was wearing a black tuxedo with a red bowtie. Peter grabbed Mary Janes hand and put the corsage he bought around her wrist. The corsage had white roses and babys breath surrounding the delicate flower, it was beautiful. She lifted her hand up to smell the flower, she slowly closed her eyes and opened them and saw him smiling at her. She pinned a red rose on his tuxedo to make everything complete. They walked in together and he introduced her o all of his friends and Mary Jane knew that tonight would be a night to remember. They ate delicious food, drank soda, water, and danced to all different kinds of music together. As all of this was happening, prom king and queen were about to be announced. Peter had run for prom king and Mary Jane whispered in his ear, l hope you win, that would be the craziest thing ever. Of course, Peter had won prom king, He was so popular. Now the prom king and the winning contestant for prom queen had to dance in the middle of the dance floor but Peter refused, got the microphone nd said, The only girl I want to dance with is with my girl, and my queen is over there. Peter pointed to Mary Jane and her face turned as red as a tomato. They had a solo dance while everyone was watching, he put the crown on her head and pulled her body close to his and all you hear is the crowd, Awmnaw. . So much fun took place that night, and it made Mary Jane think twice about her feelings toward Peter. She knew that she still liked Peter and her feelings are true towards him since middle school. He made her feel like his queen that night and the only place she wanted to e is where he was . Eventually, they got much closer than their middle school days together; they are grown up and are perfectly imperfect with each other. Peter and Mary Janes feelings for each other grow each day they get to hang out. He is her spiderman and she is his weakness. Mary Jane wasnt looking for anyone but someone very special was there all along. Time and patience made them reunite once more. Happiness and Mr. Right will find its way; there is never an expiration date on happiness not for Peter and Mary Jane, not for anyone wanting bliss. He was now her weakness, her paradise.

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